A podcast for physicians and dentists made to educate and inspire you to reach personal, professional, and financial wellness.
A show for doctors who are ready to improve their overall wellness in every aspect of life. In each episode, we highlight real-life stories from physicians, dentists, and those whose work will inspire you to become a prosperous doc yourself and achieve personal, professional, and financial wellness. Hosted by Shane Tenny, CFP, Managing Partner at Spaugh Dameron Tenny.
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Shane, who had originally aspired to be a television news anchor, had an aptitude for strategic thinking that drew him to financial advising instead. Since 2000, he has had the privilege to provide thought-leadership to our industry through service on multiple organizations and committees including teaching the Continuing Education Ethics requirement for the CFP® Board of Standards. He has lectured numerous times for hospitals and physician groups and, most importantly, helped hundreds of clients develop strategies to navigate through turbulent times toward their financial goals. His ultimate goal is to become a cowboy when he grows up.
Have a specific topic you’d like us to cover on a future episode? Or do you know of a physician, dentist, or leader in medicine who would be an interesting guest on the podcast?
Share your ideas with us!