[00:00:00.250] So, you're ready to get started? We're going to make it super convenient for you. We work with clients all over the country and all you need to do is click the button below this video. One of our advisors will reach out to schedule a quick phone call, answer your questions, and make sure it's worth moving forward.
[00:00:15.860] From there, they'll lay out the schedule of meetings, conversations, or zoom sessions to educate, analyze, and strategize the right plan for you and your family.
[00:00:26.480] Now, with that said, are we the right fit for you and is now the right timing? The clients we serve best have three common characteristics.
[00:00:35.830] Number one is they want a single point of contact for holistic planning. Is that you?
[00:00:41.650] The second thing is they understand the value of paying for independent fiduciary advice. Are you there yet
[00:00:49.920] And the third criteria is that they have either already begun their wealth accumulation journey and they have a million or half a million or more already saved up that they're realizing is really important to their future and they want thoughtful advice around, or you haven't yet begun your wealth building journey, but instead you have cash flow. And specifically the clients that we general only serve have at least $5,000 a month of surplus income. Or they're going to be there within the next twelve months after fellowship or residency end.
[00:01:24.810] If that sounds like you, the timing is probably right to click the button below and let's get started.
Shane Tenny is the managing partner of Spaugh Dameron Tenny. Along with hosting the Prosperous Doc® podcast, Shane has a true passion for behavioral finance, helping clients and audiences understand how to develop successful strategies based on their unique temperaments. An accomplished and highly engaging speaker, Shane is regularly interviewed for television and podcasts, is actively involved in the Financial Planning Association®, and contributes to industry advisory boards.