Student Loan Refinancing Solutions

Spaugh Dameron Tenny works with preferred lenders to help simplify and save on your medical school and dental school student loans.

Refinance. Reset.

Save on interest, pay your loan more quickly – find a plan that works for you. Our team can help guide you through your options.

Student Loan Refinancing Vendors

Splash Financial Logo


  • $1,000 bonus for a loan value from $100k-$199k
  • $2,000 bonus for a loan value from $200k-$299k
  • $3,000 bonus for a loan value from $300k+
Lender Disclosure
SoFi Logo


  • 0.50% rate discount*

*includes auto-pay discount

Expand Your Student Loan Knowledge

We have created resources to help you understand how student loan debt affects your future, and the best ways conquer it. Click to view our articles on student loans to get started, and you can always contact us for a consultation.

Meet with a Student Loan Specialist

Our team understands how student loan debt affects your future, and the best ways conquer it, including the different options for refinancing. Click to contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

Schedule Student Loan Consultation




I want to say to new graduates, the smartest thing I’ve ever done is find a financial planner who really cared about my goals and helped me get from point A to point B. The loyalty and relationship I’ve been able to form with my financial planner at SDT is something you don’t always find, and that’s the difference.

- Dr. R, SDT Client

Let’s Discuss Your Options

We can create a personalized plan to address your medical school student loans.

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute discovery call with one of our Student Loan Specialists by completing this short form.